Quarantine for the Pandemic


Quarantine for the Pandemic

Worldwide we find ourselves living in a brave new world. In the USA the reality distortion field of politics is been made physical by the pandemic. It is as though science fiction and newspeak have combined. The astounding incompetence of our leaders has been laid bare at the great expense of those whom they govern. Well, in this country at least you get what you pay for.

If you are over sixty you are strongly advised to self-quarantine and hope for the best. Wash your hands and don’t open the door to anyone. Millions of older people should isolate themselves from close family contact and potentially endure sickness or worse alone. I despair for those in their eighties and nineties who must survive with less help than they may need. Healthcare and social services are not a right in this country.

Maybe the people with the hardest choices are working class parents with families. Many if not most of them are without adequate health insurance or paid sick leave. Do they quarantine themselves at home and risk destitution or lie about being ill and continue working? What is the responsible choice when employers and government see them simply as units of labor?

As always when a crisis arises, life will be difficult for a few months then we will forget about the whole thing. In the meantime don’t forget to … Quarantine for the Pandemic.

Author: Ken

Avid photographer and old guy technologist.