John T. Floore Country Store

This is my local honky-tonk where you can hear great music and the voice of the people. Texas is like a country within the United States. Things are done a little differently here than other places. Everything tends to be bigger and bolder because Texans are inclined to be optimistic. Being in Texas is a great way to start the new year.

Shadow of life

Today is for reflecting on the impermanence of all things. We always walk with the shadows. The opportunity to touch those who matter to us is a gift that we ignore at our possible regret. Make time for those who are in your heart.

Big Bend Postcard No. 1

This is the first in a series of retro styled postcards I’m producing featuring imagery from the Texas Big Bend region. I remember seeing postcards like this with scenes of the Southwest as a kid. It is something that was echoed in the actual landscape of the Western US. My eyes were trained by that landscape to see near or far but not middle distance.

Another influence for my postcards is the work of Ed Ruscha. His highly graphic designs using bright colors, sweeping lines and text has always appealed to me. In particular his use of text to overlay graphics and photorealistic images is very interesting.

These postcards are not copies of an existing style and do not emulate the work of any artist. They are inspired by commercial art, advertising and fine art but the synthesis of ideas for the works is down to me. All the postcards will derive from photographic images modified to get the look and feel I’m after. For instance they will have linen like texture as seen in old postcards and reduced color palettes which will limit detail. All will combine text and images.

The individual postcards will be released as free calendars as they are created. Once completed they will be available for sale as a printed set of postcards. As you might imagine a considerable amount of time and effort is required to produce this work.